Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ADHD Blog #2 part two: Housework

A dissection of a day in my life of housework:

Gets kids off to school. Has coffee. Checks email. Checks Facebook. Checks Twitter. Spews random thoughts on Twitter. Reads through Facebook news feed. Replies to Facebook comments/posts. Replies to emails. Journals. Showers. Wonders where to start on housework (sometimes makes a list that I never follow – sometimes makes a list of lists that I need to make – forgets about lists). Starts with dishes. Starts to empty dishwasher. Takes one coffee cup out of dishwasher and thinks “another cup of coffee sounds good”. Makes a second cup of coffee. Sits down with coffee and looks at Twitter/Facebook. Checks email. Decides that now is a good time to pay bills. Pays one bill. Looks through piles of mail for other bills. Sees a coupon for Kohl’s. Checks Kohl’s website. Realizes that coffee cup is empty. Takes cup (along with cup used earlier) to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. Sees dishwasher open. Goes back to emptying dishwasher. Eats breakfast. Takes dish to kitchen. Sees empty, open dishwasher. Realizes I forgot to refill dishwasher with dirty dishes. Fills dishwasher. Makes coffee. Remembers bills that need to be found and paid. Goes back to piles of mail. Feels irritated about all the piles of mail. Makes one big pile of mail. Dusts table in the entry where the piles had been. Decides to dust livingroom. Realizes that a million toys need to be picked up. Takes a million toys into kids room. Notices dirty clothes on kids room floor. Picks up dirty clothes in kids room. Takes clothes to washing machine. Clothes in washing machine have been there too long. Drops dirty clothes on top of laundry mountain and turns on washer to rewash clothes. Turns on dryer to fluff clothes before folding. Goes up stairs. Thinks about lunch. Makes coffee instead. Remembers bills. Finds a few bills. Sits down at computer with coffee and bills. Checks Facebook. Checks Twitter. Forgets about bills. Forgets about housework. Looks at time. Panics! Grabs dog and runs like a mad woman to bus stop. Picks up kids. Chats with bus stop moms. Goes home and does homework with kids. Makes dinner. Opens the dishwasher and realizes that I forgot to turn on dishwasher. Turns on dishwasher. Eats dinner with family. Realizes that I forgot to go through kids backpacks. Finds out that tomorrow is spirit day. Grabs spirit shirts and runs downstairs and empties dryer, moves clothes from washer to dryer. Washes spirit shirts. Goes to bed. Wakes up to realize that I forgot to move spirit shirts from washer to dryer. Runs downstairs empties dryer into basket. Puts spirit shirts in dryer. Forgets about clean clothes in basket. Helps kids get ready for school (except for spirit shirts) until the very last minute. Grabs spirit shirts out of dryer and feels like crying because THANK THE GODS, they’re actually dry. Sends kids to school. Checks email. Checks Twitter. Checks Facebook. Thinks about vacuuming…


  1. OMG! I thought it was just me! Too funny!

  2. Ha! Really? Things get really crazy for me when things like parent conferences, or doctor appointments get thrown in the mix! Thanks for commenting here!
